Boulder, Colorado Teachers, 1878-1900: An Annotated Index
This index has been compiled from the Annual Reports to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the years 1878-1900. Each listing shows the name of the teacher, the date the report was submitted (usually the first day of the school year), the archives location for the Annual Report from which the listing was taken, and the school district the teacher taught in. A few teachers taught in more than one school district in the same year. The introduction lists the 66 school districts in Boulder County prior to 1900, and gives details about what the Annual Reports include such as whether each school house was made of log, sod, adobe, frame or brick, what textbooks were used during the school year, and what kind of census of students was taken each year.
ISBN 978-1-879579-93-4
$11.95 Softbound + $4.00 S&H