Boulder County, Colorado District Court, Petit Jury Records, 1867-1936: An Annotated Index
The Boulder County, Colorado District Court, Petit Jury Records, 1867-1936 is an annotated index of the District Court’s call for men to serve as petit jurors mostly for trials, but occasionally for coroner’s inquests. There are more than 20,000 entries during this time period. Often the record gives the place where the juror lives and the miles from his home to the courthouse. Many records indicate that a potential juror was “not a resident,” which could mean that the person lived outside of the county (even just across the county line), or that the person was away from home, had moved to a new location within the county or had moved from the area. Some records give specific details as to why the juror cannot be located or cannot serve.
ISBN 978-1-68224-031-1
$24.95 Softbound + $5.00 S&H