Brainard’s Hotel Register, Boulder, Colorado, 1880: An Annotated Index
This index of the hotel’s register gives the names of hotel guests, their residence, the date of their stay, the meal service and what room number they were given. Each guest register page is separated by a blotter page with advertisements for businesses. Some of the more notable events are the P.T. Barnum’s Show stay on August 1st to 3rd, and the hotel’s reception given to former President Ulysses S. Grant and his wife on August 21st, where more than one hundred guests were treated to a ten course dinner, cocktails and desserts while being entertained by the Cremona Park Brass Band of Denver. Some of the more notable signatures in the register are those of Philadelphia financier Charles Yerkes, businessmen Herman and Charles Boettcher, and Colorado Governor John L. Routt.
ISBN 978-1-879579-86-6
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