Cemeteries and Remote Burials in Larimer County, Colorado, Volumes I, II and III

Cemeteries and Remote Graves of Larimer County, Colorado provides the location, description, and history of the 158 graves, cemeteries, and memorials that Duane and Susan Kniebes found in Larimer County between 1999 and 2013 along with information on how they learned about and then found each location. In many cases, the chapters also include genealogy information on the individuals buried or memorialized at each site and/or on the historical owners of the property containing the site. A number of the burial sites are located on some of Larimer County’s most historic ranches and farms.

The book also contains brief information on 43 additional graves, cemeteries, or memorials that Duane and Susan learned about but were not able to find.

You’ll find a complete index of the books, here.

Volume I covers northern Larimer County from the Cache la Poudre River north to Wyoming, including the Laramie River Valley and the town of Livermore. To order scroll down.

Volume II covers Larimer County south of the Cache la Poudre, including the towns of Berthoud, Fort Collins, and Loveland. To order scroll down.

Volume III covers the Estes Park area and Rocky Mountain National Park, including the part of the Park in Grand County. To order scroll down.

You’ll find a complete index of the book, here.

Vol I, 8.5×11, 632 pgs indexed,
$44.95 Softbound + $6.00 S&H
ISBN 978-1-68224-010-6

Vol II, 8.5×11, 576 pgs indexed,
$41.95 Softbound + $6.00 S&H
ISBN 978-1-68224-012-0


Vol III, 8.5×11, 308 pgs indexed,
$23.95 Softbound + $6.00 S&H
ISBN 978-1-68224-014-4


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