Boulder County, Colorado County Court Index Book I, Plaintiffs and Defendants: An Annotated Index
This index covers the cases that took place in the Boulder, Colorado County Court. The years covered by the index are uncertain as no dates are given in the book, although based upon the case numbers, the years are most likely to be in the 1870s and 1880s. Both civil and criminal cases are listed.
The first section of this book is a re-creation of the Plaintiffs’ section in the order that entries appear in the original ledger. The second section is the Defendants’ section following the same convention. The final section is an alphabetical list of every name that appears in the index, including those additional plaintiffs and defendants who are named, but whose names appear on the alphabetical page according to the first plaintiff’s or the first defendant’s last name, not their own.
ISBN 978-1-68224-021-2
$34.95 Softbound + $5.00 S&H