Boulder County, Colorado, District Court Guardians Bonds, Vol. A, 1876-1902: An Annotated Index

Boulder County, Colorado District Court Guardians Bonds, Vol A, 1876-1902: An Annotated IndexThe Boulder County, Colorado, District Court Guardians Bonds, Vol. A, 1876-1902 is a District Court record of the men and women who posted bonds in their roles as guardians for children who were due an inheritance. Often a surviving parent would petition to act as the guardian of their own children, but sometimes guardians were assigned by the court if the child was under the age of 14. Minors over the age of 14 were allowed to choose their own guardians during this period. The journal names the deceased, often details the relationships between the deceased and his or her heirs, frequently gives the ages of the children at the time of the bond hearing and occasionally gives the child’s exact birthdate. The journal also names the guardians, the sureties, the judges who heard the cases, and the clerks who recorded the bonds.

ISBN 978-1-879579-78-1
$11.95 Softbound + $4.00 S&H