Colorado District 14—White Rock School Census Records 1879–1900
Boulder County, Colorado District 14—White Rock School Census Records 1879–1900: An Annotated Index
This volume contains the names of more than 500 students, administrators and parents. These school district census records are valuable genealogical and historical research tools in that they help to establish people in place and time, and establish relationships between children, their parents and their siblings during a critical period when the 1890 census for Colorado does not exist. Males and females were recorded separately, but not always. Names are generally alphabetical. The children are listed by name, followed by their age. The adults are listed by name, followed by their titles in the case of school district employees, or by their relationship to the students—parent, guardian or spouse. In some years, the place where the student was living was included. Towns or sections were included, although full addresses were not. The census is listed as it was written to help maintain hints to relationships where they are not explicitly given. There is an alphabetical index after the census listings.
ISBN 978-1-68224-126-4
$9.95 + $4.00 S&H