Boulder Valley Presbyterian Church Records, 1863-1900: An Annotated Index
The Valmont Community Presbyterian Church, originally called the Boulder Valley Presbyterian Church, was one of the first churches organized in the Boulder Valley. The church was organized on 6 September 1863 in the community of Valmont near the confluence of the North Boulder and South Boulder Creeks. The early records of the church are privately held but were graciously opened to the Boulder Pioneers Project for extraction and indexing. This book is an annotated index of: The Minutes of the Session 6 Sept 1863-17 Feb 1900; Minutes of the Session, 19 May 1878 – 1 May 1886; Valmont Union Union Sabbath School Secretary’s Book dated 1 Jan 1880, and the registers of Baptisms, Communicants, Deaths, Elders, Marriages and Trustees.
ISBN 978-1-879579-58-3
$11.95 Softbound + $4.00 S&H