Directory of Genealogical and Historical Societies, Libraries, Archives and Museums in the US and Canada, 2020 in 2 Vols

A welcome resource for genealogists who have exhausted local or state sources. Over 40,000 societies, museums, historical collections and archives listed. This useful reference books contains more than 22,000 genealogical and historical societies, 10,000 public and private libraries, archives and collections, and 15,000 historical, home, schoolhouse, pioneer and depot museums. Every state plus the District …

Map Your U.S. Research: A Workbook for Genealogists

This workbook is intended to help facilitate your locations-based research in the United States. Use the maps to see which counties you are researching at-a-glance. Then use the research notes pages to create a workable research plan. Take this handy workbook with you when you research as a reminder that county boundaries have changed over …